Wednesday Prompt: Interstellar Dance Party.
Authors Note: Here we are once again, me posting late. In honesty I wrote this only 1 day late.... I just never got around to posting it. As always check out The Short Story Press for Sasha's prompt. We give them to each other every friday and post on Wednesdays. At least Sasha posts Wednesdays, I post when I post.
Word Prompt: Interstellar Dance Party
Word Limit: 600
It started in a remote part of the galaxy some 50,000 years ago. Now the anomaly has spread to cover a space over one hundred thousand light years wide, containing many hundreds of inhabited worlds. The galactic council has been keeping an eye on the anomaly but it shows no signs of stopping.
The science academy deemed it worthy of interested 10,000 years ago, but so far they have uncovered no clues as to what is causing the disturbance.
Soon the anomaly will spread to the galactic centre, if the super massive black hole is effected the way other high gravity bodies are, there will be untold damage to the entire fabric of the galaxy. The arms will we thrown off place, it would mean the end of all faster than light travel in the entire galaxy.
There is no guarantee that it will stop there, what if it doesn’t, we have no way of informing the inhabitants of M31 of the impending calamity.
After ten thousand years of study, today is the day that scientists of the galaxy will begin to work out the greatest unsolved mystery of the universe.
It was only recently that the Vox joined the science collective with their FTL capable vessels, capable of surviving the gravitational flux created by the aftermath of the anomaly. With their joining the science collective were finally able to get to the outer edge of the wave and begin monitoring the anomaly from when it first starts.
The ship is in orbit around a red dwarf star when it begins. The star begins to pulsate furiously emitting dangerous amounts of radiation that is absorbed harmlessly by the shielding.
“Sir, the star is being effected by the anomaly, all sensors are functional and recording data.”
The commander of the ship nods his head thoughtfully, there are hundreds of ships around the galaxy taking readings at different stages of the anomaly’s life.
Six hundred years later, at the science directorate, generations of work is coming to fruition. Members of almost all space faring species are present, pouring over the strange movements and gyrations made by every star effected in the galaxy.
The blind molemen of Proxima have changed the oscillations into a background noise that can be heard over the conversations in the room. The molemen are busy slowing down and speeding up the sounds created by the star movement when a small bipedal creature jumps up and yells out “STOP!”
Hundreds of eyes turn to the pink creature, “I think I heard something, a word.” All present in the room mumble about not hearing anything, however the molemen go back over the settings until the creature beams “That’s it.”
“That’s words from a proto-human language called English.”
“It says ‘’”
To understand the importance of this linguists are called in from all edges of the cosmos.
True to form the Zeta Reticulans run analysis. The small gray men stand around in a circle. “Finally we have found the origin of the anomaly”
“Yes, it is centred around the human home world Earth, and it spreads more than 50,000 light years in every direction expanding at the speed of light.”
“But what is it?”
The linguists chime in “It’s a song, a kind of human social activity.”
“why is it effecting the stars.”
“It’s like the stars heard the song and are singing and dancing along.”
“What like some kind of interstellar dance party?” says the tiny pink human.
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