Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Wednesday Prompt: Taxi Ride

A/N: As always check out The Short Story Press for Sasha's prompt. We give them to each other every Friday and post on Wednesdays. At least Sasha posts Wednesdays, I post when I post.

Taxi Ride
Word Limit: 300

‘Let’s go through this one more time shall we Mr. Smith.’

‘Smythe, my name is Smythe, how many times should I have to tell you this. I’ve been involved in a crime. Show some professionalism.’

The police officers stare blankly at Robert Smythe, ‘Please, continue.’

‘I was on main st. It must have been about 10 o’clock. I’d had a few drinks with the boys after work, O’Malley’s. We were at O’Malley’s. We got a lift home together, James watched to catch an Uber or Lyft or some shit. I dragged us into a taxi. You gotta look after them, they are losing their jobs. So it’s all fine and we are dropping everyone off. Dave first, then Andy. Then it was just James and me in the taxi’

He stops for a moment, takes a deep breath and continues.

‘Just me and James, and the cab. It pulls onto the interstate entrance. I told the guy that he was going the wrong way. But he just stared out the front, his dead charcoal eyes not moving. We banged on the plexiglass barrier. He didn’t turn, James eventually tried to open the door to jump out, but they were locked. He must have driven until well after sunup, except for. Well. The sun didn’t come up. It was just dark, what must have been like 18 hours later I fell asleep. I woke up at home, I don’t know how. I called James to see if he was alright, but his phone has been disconnected. He never pays his bills on time. I called Dave and he is pretending not to know James.’

Robert looks at the two police officers sitting in front of him. ‘Shouldn’t you be writing this down? James is missing.’

One officer shuffles some clearly blank paper. ‘This would be James McFadden?’

‘That’s right.’

‘We’ll make some inquiries Mr. Smith, thank you for coming to us so promptly.’ The officer says as he gently ushers Robert Smythe out the door.

334 words.

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Wednesday Prompt: Super Secret Hawaiian Punch

A/N: As always check out The Short Story Press for Sasha's prompt. We give them to each other every Friday and post on Wednesdays. At least Sasha posts Wednesdays, I post when I post.

Super Secret Hawaiian Punch
Word Limit: 100

I think they call it a luau. There has been dancing, which was cool and everyone wore grass skirts. There was so much food, all cooked until the meat fell apart as you ate it.

But that isn’t why I’m writing about this. I’m writing because of what I drank. It’s some kind of super secret Hawaiian punch. There was rum, vodka, and I think some triple sec. But there was something else I could not place.

I begged people all night to let me in on the secret to the punch and no-one would until the very end of the night as I was leaving an elderly woman whispered in my ear ‘It’s pineapple liqueur.’

117 words.

Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Wednesday Prompt: Put on your slippers and Let's Rock

A/N: As always check out The Short Story Press for Sasha's prompt. We give them to each other every Friday and post on Wednesdays. At least Sasha posts Wednesdays, I post when I post.

Put on your slippers and let's rock.Word Limit: 100

‘Simon!’ I hear a familiar voice cry from some very distant place. The name washes over me without meaning.

‘Simon!’ There it goes again, but I’m being shaken this time. I am Simon. Simon, the man who has now been rudely awakened 3 times this week by his annoying roommate.

‘Simon, you’re awake. Excellent, throw on your slippers.’ He excitedly babbles.

‘Wha..’ is all I manage to get out before I am being forced into my slippers and out the front door.

‘I have tickets to this awesome rock concert.’

‘Rock concert?’

92 words

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Wednesday Prompt: Fold Out Beds

Authors Note: So I've been bad, It's been two years since I last posted. Which isn't ideal for a "weekly" prompt. I have however been writing while I was away, and I am pretty much up to date (or as up to date as I plan to get) So without further ado my weekly prompt. As always check out The Short Story Press for Sasha's prompt. We give them to each other every Friday and post on Wednesdays. At least Sasha posts Wednesdays, I post when I post.

Fold Out Beds

Word Limit: 100

I’ve been here for four days now. A few have been here longer. Eight days since frail old Mrs Johnson hobbled into the shelter with her dog, Spike. It’s still here pretty early, so I have a fold out bed to myself. If you got here two days ago, you have a bit of floor space, roughly the size of what a fold out bed should be allocated to you. The people are still pouring in, at least they are trying to. I can’t be sure, but it looks like the little army officer running this place was turning people away this morning.

103 words.